15 Facts About Fish You Never Knew

1) Electric eels can produce enough electricity to kill a horse. That’s kind of scary.

 2) Just like how ships have a heavier bottom to keep them from capsizing, so do fish. But they are top-heavy, which is why they roll over.

3) Most fish can’t swim backwards.

4) Many fish have the ability to change gender. For example, when a male emperor angelfish dies, a female changes sex to take over as male.

5) There are more species of fish than there are of all other vertebrates combined.

6) Only 1% of the ocean has been explored by scientists.

7) Most lipstick contains fish scales.

8) A goldfish will lose its color if you put it in a dark room.

9) A single starfish arm can regenerate a whole starfish body.

10) Pollution in many British rivers is causing the male fish to change sex. Scientists believe this has to do with contraceptive pills.


11) There is a warm-blooded fish called the Opah.

12) The Great Barrier Reefs host approximately 10% of the entire fish population.

13) The Great White Shark can reach in upwards of 50 feet in length.

14) Even though less than 0.01% of the water on Earth is freshwater, nearly 40% of all fish live there.

15) Fish contain a sixth sense, called a ‘lateral-line’. This tool senses motion and sometimes electrical currents in the water.


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